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Offer your students ages 8-12 an engaging, video-based curriculum to keep them safe from cyber-bullying, pornography and internet addiction. Brain Defense arms kids with safe technology habits to protect their growing minds.
Are you playing WHACK-A-MOLE trying to safeguard your family's technology? Devices, apps, updates, loopholes--it can seem overwhelming. That's why we created this 3-step Digital Safety Planner to get you started. It's packed with practical advice on filters & parental controls, how to supervise online activity, and tips for starting important conversations. Step-by-step you can fortify your family's defenses against pornography, predators and other online dangers. Take your first step by downloading the Defend Young Minds Digital Safety Planner.
Los más pequeños merecen estar equipados tempranamente contra los peligros de internet. Imágenes buenas, imágenes malas Jr. facilita a los padres la tarea de proteger a sus hijos de edades comprendidas entre los 3 y los 6 años. Con mensajes delicados y adecuados para estas edades, los niños aprenderán a aplicar la estrategia “Gírate, corre, habla” cuando se vean expuestos accidentalmente a contenidos inapropiados. Escrito por la autora del éxito de ventas original Imágenes buenas, imágenes malas, Kristen A. Jenson, la versión junior es un recurso accesible y eficaz para los padres proactivos que quieren dotar a sus pequeños de su primer filtro interno.
Es el version audio libro de Imaginas Buenas, Imaginas Malas. Hablarles a los niños de sexo siempre ha sido un dolor de cabeza, pero en esta era digital que vivimos, no solo es tema de conversación el sexo, también lo es la pornografía que ahora llega con más facilidad y crudeza a los niños, quienes con solo un click corren el peligro de tener acceso a imágenes denigrantes y cargadas de violencia.
Imágenes buenas, imágenes malas es un relato agradable, para leer en voz alta, acerca de una madre y un padre que enseñan a su hijo qué es la pornografía, por qué es peligrosa y cómo rechazarla. A fin de mantenerse a salvo en la era digital, los más jóvenes deben instalar un filtro interno en su propio cerebro. Imágenes buenas, imágenes malas les enseña a conseguirlo.
Schöne Bilder Schädliche Bilder ist eine ansprechende Geschichte zum Vorlesen, die von einer Mutter und einem Vater erzählt, die ihr Kind lehren, was Pornografie ist, warum sie gefährlich ist und wie man sie ablehnt.
Uno strumento per insegnare i principi delle neuroscienze al fine di evitare l’insorgere della dipendenza dalla pornografia. Il tutto espresso con un linguaggio di facile comprensione per i più piccoli.
Книга «Хорошие картинки. Плохие картинки. Для малышей» — это практичный, полезный и мощный инструмент, который нужен семьям. Рекомендуем периодически читать эту книгу с детьми для того, чтобы они могли научиться самостоятельно противостоять порнографии и нежелательному контенту в интернете. Книга для чтения и обсуждения родителей с детьми 3-7 лет.
Книга рассказывает о том, как предостеречь и защитить детей от разрушающей силы порнографии. Книга-история, которую можно и нужно читать вместе с детьми. Практическое пособие, как поговорить с ребенком на эту сложную тему. Книга является бестселлером на Амазоне в своей категории.
Hey, we're the Brain Gang! And we love teaching kids how to be healthy, happy and strong on screens and off! We share our experiences, a few funny stories, and solid plans for rejecting harmful content. Come join us!
Kristen is the founder of Defend Young Minds and #1 best-selling author of Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids and Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr.: A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds and the Good Pictures Bad Pictures Guidebook for Counseling Kids: Therapeutic Interventions to Address Pornography Issues using Artistic, Didactic, and Kinesthetic Applications.
Kristen is the CEO of Glen Cove Press LLC and the executive producer of the Brain Defense: Digital Safety curriculum. She is also a leader in the Safeguard Alliance of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. Kristen received her bachelor’s degree in English Literature and her master’s degree in Organizational Communication. She is a mother of three and grandmother of two, and currently lives with her husband and awfully cute dog in Washington State.
Bianca Noah is the Curriculum Coordinator for Defend Young Minds and is passionate about educating parents and children about the dangers of the digital world. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Business Finance and a minor in Economics. She lives in Washington with her husband and seven children. Whenever she can find a free moment she enjoys running and reading a good book.
Jill Geigle founded the Arizona Family Council over 12 years ago to help parents and kids stay safe on technology. As a speaker and educator, she has worked locally, nationally, and internationally to help government, schools, and families successfully integrate safe technology lifestyles. Her true passion is teaching children how to thrive while they use technology. She and her husband work hard to teach their own eight children to use technology in smart and safe ways. She has a bachelor's degree in communications and a Masters of Education specializing in Curriculum from Columbia International University.
Evan MacDonald is a designer and director with over 10 years of experience working with brands large and small including Nike, Gatorade, NBC Universal Studios, Panasonic, Microsoft, and many others. Evan has a passion for typography, branding, content, and storytelling. Evan along with his wife and four daughters enjoy traveling and living in far-off lands.
James Best is an Emmy nominated television writer living in New York City. His first TV gig was writing twitter and webseries for 30 Rock. From there he wrote for VH1, Billy on the Street, and Nickelodeon's comedy/mystery show Welcome to the Wayne. Currently, he's developing comedy and animation pilots for studios in LA and writing sketches for the reboot of Studio C. But that's just what everyone does with a Master's in Poetry from NYU.
Joanna Gurr is graduating from Brigham Young University with a degree in Human Development and Communications, with an emphasis in research, writing, and presentation. Joanna is involved in both qualitative and quantitative research regarding healthy sexuality, safe technology use, and educating children about the dangers of pornography. As an Arizona native, she enjoys the sunny outdoors and being with friends and family.
Hannah Ungricht works as a freelance graphic designer in Washington. She has a Bachelor's degree from Brigham Young University-Idaho and has worked with Defend Young Minds since 2016. She loves to use what she has learned there with her own family. Her greatest joys are being a wife, a mother to 2 beautiful children and 1 adorable puppy, and spending her evenings sipping on diet coke.
Brain Defense is completely flexible! It can be taught one full lesson a week (about 30 minutes) or it can be broken up into 10 shorter lessons (15-20 minutes). Many teachers prefer to teach a half lesson, twice a week for 5 weeks.
Yes and no. It depends on the plan you purchased and if you do it according to our Licensing Agreement. For example, if you purchased a Family plan, you can only share it in an online meeting with members of your household. If you purchased a Classroom plan, you can share it with up to 40 students of a previously organized class or coop. This license does not allow you to charge a per student admission fee. Brain Defense is designed to teach students healthy tech habits, and to engage teachers, school counselors, religious leaders and parents in supportive discussions. That can’t happen in a “one and done” class taught by a stranger.
The best part about Brain Defense is that you get to customize it for your needs. Every plan includes 11-21 videos featuring the Brain Gang, an instruction manual, parent support webpage, and Brain Books for the students. If you purchase Brain Defense for a group, classroom or school you'll also receive posters, Parent Night presentation slides, Continue the Conversation booster videos, and more.
We hear you! That’s why we made Brain Defense: Digital Safety as easy and comfortable as reading a short script and pushing play for the video to begin. Everything about Brain Defense has been designed to solve problems for educators and parents, not add to their already overwhelming burden.
Because we give children technology to use for everything from school work to entertainment, we have a duty of care to teach them how to use it safely. Studies show that harmful technology use can affect a growing brain. Brain Defense solves these problems in your school and family by addressing hard topics like cyberbullying, pornography, screen time, honesty, and many more issues in comfortable conversations. It helps students gain a disposition of technology safety and awareness, something that will transfer in and out of the classroom.
Public schools, private schools, home schools, community groups, churches, and families with children in 3rd-6th grades.
Best-selling author of Good Pictures Bad Pictures and founder of child technology safety company, Defend Young Minds, Kristen A. Jenson, MA. Along with education and curriculum development specialist Jill F. Geigle M. Ed., and a team of research, development, and education specialists.
It is a research-based curriculum that teaches children skills to manage technology and defend their brains from harmful technology use and content. It is presented in 5 simple video lessons by the Brain Gang, a group of older teens that use tech in smart and safe ways. The goal of this curriculum is to help students gain a disposition of technology safety and awareness and open the lines of communication between teachers, parents, and students to create safe and supportive classrooms and homes.